Category: <span>Colleges & Universities</span>

Awards Colleges & Universities Culture Milestones Pop Culture public radio Public Television YouTube

Intriguing post in Choralnet the other day pointing out some famous faces who’s sung in their high school and/or college choirs. If you’ve got an entry to the list (and…

Actors Arts & Culture Celebrities Choral Music Colleges & Universities Pop Culture Pop Music

Great love fest and concert last night for the ever-dignified and charismatic Harry Belafonte, the “High School drop out getting an Honorary Degree from Berklee.”  At the age of 87,…

Actors Boston Celebrities Colleges & Universities Concerts Jazz Milestones Musicians Politics Pop Culture Pop Music Vocalists

Arts & Culture Authors Classical Music Colleges & Universities music education Pop Culture Science WQXR

A shameless cross-posting: A new addition to the blogroll on the left is the launch of UTunes: Music 1.01. Thanks to a Digital Humanities Start-Up Initiative from the National Endowment…

Classical Music Colleges & Universities Digital Media music education Social Media

Meanwhile, back at the alma mater, this news item in today’s inbox: Facebook petition sinks revamped logo By: Derek Schlickeisen The College’s roll-out and subsequent retraction of its new logo…

Colleges & Universities Culture Social Media